24 thoughts on “Custom LEGO Minecraft Nether realm!

  1. Jang did anyone ever tell you that your a freaking insane and epic builder?
    Because I just did.

  2. Impressive how many bricks u used for the walls of the nether. U should
    create a end world next time. Also get the new Lego Minecraft nether set.
    AND I have a suggestion for your vehicle mocs. Make 6-8 studs for your
    civilian cars, 8-20 studs for your utility vehicles and make 8-16 studs for
    your military vehicles. Hopefully you actually interegrate that to your
    mocs. I’d be pleased with that.

  3. It would be cool if you could stack the dimensions (nether on bottom,
    normal world above, end above that) I would see why not, as reinforcing
    large portions of roof are very difficult. If they are next to each other,
    i would suggest building alongside the nether wall with sky blue bricks,
    then black in the space for the end, if you do that.

  4. Jang you have done an unbelievable job on this MOC, the detail is
    phenomenal and the build itself is just perfect!

  5. Thanks so much for all of the support, everyone! Filming & editing this
    was pretty frustrating and the wonderful feedback makes it all more than
    worth it :)

  6. I really hate to be so nitpicky, but isn’t the nether fortress made of a
    dark purplish red? Very dark purplish red? Or is that not a LEGO color yet?

  7. This brings back memories ^^

    One time, me and 4 other friends were searching for the black skulls some
    mobs drop in the nether, had to find 3 in order to create the newest boss
    (at the time). We spent quite a long time down there, when we finally found
    all the heads, we quit playing the game shortly thereafter…

    We modded the server heavily too, created a bunch of food items and
    instruments. It was particularly difficult to get the weapons to work, so
    foods were always easier to make. We had applepie, applyfries, 4 different
    cupcakes. I always wanted to make shields but couldn’t convince my
    programmer friend to work on it… Good times.

  8. Your hard work and dedication is phenomenal. Honestly I think that it would
    be smart for the “Lego Movie” producers if they decided to add you to their
    team for the second movie…

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