21 thoughts on “LEGO city update Mar. 10, 2015 – Elevated railway, custom switch…

  1. awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. I still love the direction this city is going, there’s just so much
    character to the whole place and I think this is going to be a fantastic
    layout :)

  3. I’m actually really excited because in two months I turn 15 and can get a
    job, I’m planning on getting a job at my local little Caesar’s pizza
    because my mom said they probably pay a hundred dollars a week if I work
    enough hours and even though that’s not a huge amount of money it is enough
    money for me to actually start buy more lego sets more frequently so my
    city can grow exponentially. I have a lot of cool plans for it. Like I want
    to go for a sort of New York suburbs kinda feel. Like still city with
    apartments and stuff but not the huge part. Mainly because my cities going
    to have a lot of superheroes. Later on I’ll build on to the normal newyork
    and later on Id like to bridge out over “seas” and put in a Gotham city and
    a metropolis. Assuming there is any storage space left at this point I’d
    put in a foresty area that transitions into the minecraft area and even
    further from that I want to build a MOC of mount massive asylum from the
    game outlast.

  4. nice custom track at 3:18 looks like Marty traded in his black Toyota for a
    sporty yellow car lol

  5. Hey Jang, I dont have any lego trains, but why does not somebody make a
    train go up a hill, or on to a raised track like you have? Have you ever
    experimented with this idea? 

  6. Hi Jang, I think this custom made Railway section looks pretty good!, If
    you didn´t explain it, I wont even seen it. UCS Modells under neath the
    Table, that hurts^^

  7. hi Jang, awesome city! love your train yard! and of course, your custom
    buildings. they are amazing :D

  8. ive always wondered how you combat dust and dust build up, do you have air
    filtration in your lego rooms?

  9. Love the fire train next to the fire station. I like fire fighting, and
    trains so it’s the best of both worlds.

  10. Are you going to make a building or structure to make electrical power for
    your city like a hydroelectric dam, electric windmills, nuclear
    powerplants, geothermal plants, and so on?

  11. Awesome what you put together again so fast 🙂
    I Followed your Move Updates all the way through and i am also really happy
    for your decision to fill all the otherwise empty spaces! Still really
    looking forward to your custom town houses and appartements though ;)

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