25 thoughts on “LEGO Star Wars General Grievous’ Starfighter from 2010! set 8095

  1. This 2010 wave was one of my favorite SW waves ever. Slave 1 with new Boba,
    Wampa Cave, new General Grievous, the Turbo Tank. So much awesomeness.

  2. hey Jang, I have this set and the earlier set, I loved this one when it was
    out, i just love this ship like you i see it as a hot rod style, every
    happy to own this set, i loved the clone wars episode this set came from, a
    must see if you like this set, Season 1 Lair of Grievous,

  3. +JANGBRiCKS, I really like your videos! I would like it if you reviewed the
    LEGO Future Flyers set. I really want to buy it, but I’m not sure if it’s a
    good idea. Please Reply! :)

  4. That ship is really well done, I’m glad to have this since it’s out!

  5. I really like the cockpit window design! I think it would be cool if they
    used it more for the space themes.

  6. This is a really neat ship!
    I had not paid too much attention to it until this review.
    Might have to add it to my droid army collection.

  7. Yes, I nicely designed Lego kit. Finally, those awful tan pieces used
    effectively as they are cannon. I must say that the design of Grievous’
    face makes him look to cute. Hope to see more.

  8. The set is brilliant, really captures the unique look of this star ship.
    Just hoped that they have more action features for this set. The only
    disappointment for me

  9. I love the streamlined look it has and it got me thinking of a star fighter
    I had always wanted. I can’t remember what the name of it was though. I
    think it was crimson white and lime green.

  10. I think they included the throne because they wanted to give you 4
    light-sabers but couldn’t think of an easy way to store them on the ship.
    This way you have that rack while you are flying your ship around.

  11. the purpose of the chair and the lightsaber rack is because in the scene
    from ‘star wars the clone wars’ grevious and the Jedi fight, grevoius’ body
    gets very damaged from the battle and needed repairs to his face and
    body..that is why the included a doctor but in the scene there was another
    Jedi named Kit Fisto that i wish was included in the set,…. kit fisto
    assisted the other Jedi since the other Jedi was a padawan being traned by
    kit fisto

    and I also have lego the set too

  12. The chair/throne was not necessarily random it was a semi key part to the
    old Star Wars the clone wars episode were nadar and the repair deltoid are

  13. As much as I love this ship, I prefer the look of the 2007 one, though the
    Grievous from way back then was nowhere near as nice as this one. Also,
    this version certainly has more play value than the older model, with those
    flip-out cannons, 2 extra figures, and the general’s comfy chair.

    But as great as both these sets are in their own right, neither can hold a
    candle to the Magna-Guards’ fighter. That thing was beautiful.

  14. I personally prefer the original lego design of grievous, not as accurate,
    but much better in body and arm design. Also with a pair of white piraka
    playset legs, it gets a nice deal of extra height and more accurate looking

  15. Actually, the chair is relevant. There is/was a TCW Episode where some Jedi
    ‘visit’ Grievous’s castle. Grievous kills the Mon Calamari, but loses a few
    limbs, so the droid has to repair the cyborg.
    Thinking about the fact that Grievous’s Starfighter is most of the time at
    his castle, having a small place for repairing him makes sense to me.

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