25 thoughts on “A look through a LEGO catalogue from 1972!”
A look through a #LEGO catalogue from 1972!
Jang u are amazing u are my favorrite lego youtuber i love your style and
unlike some other people u play with lego how it was suppose to be played
with. keep up the great. no FANTASTIC work!
The prices back then… I’m dying.
+JANGBRiCKS happy sunday jangbricks
I still have some of this lego myself from my dad! Mostly gears and 1 blue
engine where you have to push wheels with metal ends into.
I love the old catalog videos please please please do more of them there so
interesting since I’m into older stuff, old cars, old tvs ect.
I was a year old.
Do you any of the new millennias catalogues and will you be reviewing
I love these old catalogs. I would spend hours reading them as a child.
Keep these videos coming!
Speaking of time have you heard of the doctor who Legos
Dayum dis is old.
Ah, this is the BMF era before minifigures were introduced.
Ha, waaaay before my time.
Also, I assume you were talking about Brio when you mentioned the wooden
railway stuff? Either way, I’m having flashbacks to how amazing it was, and
regretting selling it .-.
Wished that you thought about your Lego city more about putting some sort
of transportation area that leads out of your city like an airport even
though u can’t afford that into your Lego city.
Jang, any chance you could review some of the lego kingdoms sets, I actualy
enjoyed those sets more then I did the main castle theme, I enjoyed them
more because I think red and green are more attractive colours, and also
because the ‘enemy’ side didnt use magic, which made it easier to imagine
that they might not be evil, and might have theor own good intentions.
Anyway sorry for ramble, but they were my favourite of the castle series.
if u could get your hands on a few of those to review I would realy
appreciate it. Thx for reading, and I look forward to more exellent content
Very cool paper time capsule!
Thanks for sharing!
i have a bunch of original lego magazines from like the 80s and i got them
from goodwill for 5 bucks
Well Jang, if you want those track pieces so bad you should order them
from… the Catalogue!!…
…I’ll, uh, I’ll just go now…
At some point in my childhood I must’ve come across that conveyor belt when
you mentioned it I got a big flash back but I can’t think who would have
had it, it wasn’t me. I’ll have to investigate possibly a neighbours
parents or maybe a babysitter. Was great to see this catalogue.
I love this! It also makes me feel bad about throwing any Lego literature
out back in the day… I still have a lot of old stuff, but nothing quite
as vintage as this!
I loved the wooden trains as well, I was trying to get my mom to buy a set.
I tought that we had to go to the toy store with a huge bag of coins
Never gotten the set though… By the way, were you talking about Brio?
Jang, what is everything answered about? I don’t understand
You cant buy lego for 54p anymore let alone cars!! But still love the
Add to your city soon and add the m.i 5 building
A look through a #LEGO catalogue from 1972!
Jang u are amazing u are my favorrite lego youtuber i love your style and
unlike some other people u play with lego how it was suppose to be played
with. keep up the great. no FANTASTIC work!
The prices back then… I’m dying.
+JANGBRiCKS happy sunday jangbricks
I still have some of this lego myself from my dad! Mostly gears and 1 blue
engine where you have to push wheels with metal ends into.
I love the old catalog videos please please please do more of them there so
interesting since I’m into older stuff, old cars, old tvs ect.
I was a year old.
Do you any of the new millennias catalogues and will you be reviewing
I love these old catalogs. I would spend hours reading them as a child.
Keep these videos coming!
Speaking of time have you heard of the doctor who Legos
Dayum dis is old.
Ah, this is the BMF era before minifigures were introduced.
Ha, waaaay before my time.
Also, I assume you were talking about Brio when you mentioned the wooden
railway stuff? Either way, I’m having flashbacks to how amazing it was, and
regretting selling it .-.
Wished that you thought about your Lego city more about putting some sort
of transportation area that leads out of your city like an airport even
though u can’t afford that into your Lego city.
Jang, any chance you could review some of the lego kingdoms sets, I actualy
enjoyed those sets more then I did the main castle theme, I enjoyed them
more because I think red and green are more attractive colours, and also
because the ‘enemy’ side didnt use magic, which made it easier to imagine
that they might not be evil, and might have theor own good intentions.
Anyway sorry for ramble, but they were my favourite of the castle series.
if u could get your hands on a few of those to review I would realy
appreciate it. Thx for reading, and I look forward to more exellent content
Very cool paper time capsule!
Thanks for sharing!
i have a bunch of original lego magazines from like the 80s and i got them
from goodwill for 5 bucks
Well Jang, if you want those track pieces so bad you should order them
from… the Catalogue!!…
…I’ll, uh, I’ll just go now…
At some point in my childhood I must’ve come across that conveyor belt when
you mentioned it I got a big flash back but I can’t think who would have
had it, it wasn’t me. I’ll have to investigate possibly a neighbours
parents or maybe a babysitter. Was great to see this catalogue.
I love this! It also makes me feel bad about throwing any Lego literature
out back in the day… I still have a lot of old stuff, but nothing quite
as vintage as this!
I loved the wooden trains as well, I was trying to get my mom to buy a set.
I tought that we had to go to the toy store with a huge bag of coins
Never gotten the set though… By the way, were you talking about Brio?
Jang, what is everything answered about? I don’t understand
You cant buy lego for 54p anymore let alone cars!! But still love the
Add to your city soon and add the m.i 5 building