25 thoughts on “LEGO Exo-Force Cyclone Defender from 2007! set 8100

  1. I really like these. I like mechs in general. Not a big fan of ninjago but
    I have the smaller mechs from the line.

    Maybe once you are done doing single reviews you can line them all up and
    show them all off at once.

  2. Malls I think you accidentally misplaced one of the pieces on the shoulder
    just one stud out of place

  3. Aw, man. I miss the Exo-Force line sooo much. Got such good play value out
    of all of those sets. Nice video by the way! I really like that you are
    reviewing these older (but not THAT old) lines. Brings me back.

  4. Hey Jang, if you could please could you review the Stealth Hunter. It was
    my first mech of the Exo Force theme and in my opinion one of the best;
    second only in my opinion to Uplink. :)

  5. The dark green coloursceme is really paying off. But why is the body
    The right green shoulderpad is off set, or is it the left one?. The 2 vs 1
    yellow “rockets”, meh. The rockets are anyway under par.

  6. Review the Exo-force “Fight for the Golden Tower” set! mine got
    dissassembled when I was younger :c

  7. Jang no offense but back in those days lego sets were better… And i`m not
    talking about the city ones those from other series like bionicle ,
    exo-force…. blah blah… So…. Jang i`m right? 

  8. hey jang! would you ever consider reviewing any of the original bionicle
    sets? or any other old Lego lines like life on mars or alpha team?

  9. Heh. This was probably my favorite Exo-Force set (mainly because I didn’t
    get too many), so many good memories, and so much play value for such a
    small kit.

  10. Cnhey hang I have a whole collection of the exo-force Lego. Would u be
    interested in buying some?

  11. Use to have this set when I was really little. Only problem, was to little
    to build it or keep track of it. So now, me as a Lego person, really want
    the complete set.

  12. I got this set as well . It was my first exo force set and i also got
    another one . I don’t know what it’s called but it’s red,blue and red.

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