11 thoughts on “LEGO Speed Champions 2015 – ALL sets wrap-up!

  1. I like the red car the most the frirey la falary car I am happy with giting
    that set and how mice it looks I like the parts

  2. Hey thanks for posting a video this late. Really cheered me up after having
    my heart broken :c cool looking cars! But I do think think they look WAY
    TOO similar. I think lego needs to completely redesign those things. Way
    too bulky. Anyway good video!

  3. Okay I’m not a serious car guy but you know I like them I like all of the
    lego champion sets

  4. how are all these comments from 19 hours ago but this was uploaded 10
    minutes ago?!?!?!?!?!

  5. Jang where have you been recording your rumblings/reviews ever since you

  6. All cars, with this stickers looks rather awful, except F1 and Truck.

    Better way for this series is to make this cars in lego technic style, not
    in this way. 

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