24 thoughts on “Mega Bloks Assassin’s Creed Heavy Borgia Guard review

  1. Could you do a review on how to fit a watcher into a Promethean knight?

  2. Cool armor and a nice different variety of weapons compared to the other
    assassin’s creed sets

  3. Please review any more Call of Duty Zombies Mega Bloks sets that come out!
    I think you did all of them so far.

  4. If you would scale that fig up to around 6 feet tall, that halberd would be
    a regular size the could range from 5-8.5 feet ideally irl

  5. Really loving these awesome heavy units by Mega Bloks. First the Brute
    Chieftain, then the Juggernaut, now this! Getting this one too when it
    becomes available at my country! :D

  6. How fitting that Patrick is a warrior that has a red unifor- oh I mean
    regular plain ol’ shirt.

  7. You should do a megabloks city or a part of the lego one as megabloks. Like
    have them invading or something.

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